days gone by - days yet to be

Tuesday, Apr. 05, 2005 - 8:40 p.m.

And what did I do on this absolutely gorgeous spring day?

Sat on my ass, in the house, in front of the TV, for hours, and only moved to answer the phone and probably moved a little when I dozed off on the couch. How fucking pathetic! I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. Its the first day in over a month and a half that I've been all alone in the house, with only the cats. Yep, JQ got a job. He left at 2pm and won't be home until after 10pm. So, I needed some alone time. To veg out... Be lazy. Not do a damn thing. Not think about anything except, where's the remote and what am I gonna watch next. And so I did! I'm actually taping a show for JQ, so he can watch it when he gets home, so I figured I'd update in between his show taping and vegging out on the couch again.
I've come to realize that television is a marvelous way to shut off all the buzzing going on in this brain of mine. No thoughts of work! No thoughts of the uber manager! No thoughts about JQ, not bringing home a pay check for the past month and a half! No thought about how my computer is dying slowly every time I turn it on (and how I was going to use my income tax return to buy another one, but instead used it to pay off bills) I can honestly say I didn't think about anything!

I usually do crossword puzzles to shut off all my brain. If that makes any sense. I do them for hours before I fall asleep at night... listening to JQ snore away peacefully in slumberland. Because if I just lay in bed, trying to fall asleep, my brain takes over and I toss and turn, half the night away, thinking way too much, about stupid shit I can't even really control in the first place. So, I do crossword puzzles.

Now I know the TV works just as well, but its not so good for my vocabulary. hehehe

I also don't get headaches from doing crosswords for hours at a time. I have a headache from the TV viewing I did today. bleh. Sometimes I can never win...

What the cats are doing: I opened all the windows in the living room this afternoon, they're acting like they've never smelled fresh air.

What I should be doing right now: Some crossword puzzles. My head hurts.

How much weight I' ve lost:

1 People Love Me

days gone by - days yet to be