days gone by - days yet to be

Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2005 - 11:26 p.m.

A small ray of hope...

JQ was notified by the Department of Labor that he has been approved for unemployment benefits. And I quote:

"You were discharged from your job. No evidence has been provided by your employer to show that an act of misconduct occurred at the point of separation."
"You were discharged for nonqualifying reasons since there is no evidence of misconduct in connection with your work."

I wish I had that original e-mail from TB to my home office... I'd sue TB. At least now he'll be bringing in a small amount of money. I just hope it doesn't take over a month to get a check, like it took to get a response. I was really starting to get scared, rent is due tomorrow.
He heard back from the job interview he went on last week and didn't get that job, but he went on another interview Monday and even went back in for a drug test and psych test, so hopefully he'll hear back about that one soon. I never realized how hard it is to find a job right now. It explains why I have older applicants with college degrees and more experience than me, applying for a minimum wage job. Its not that they want a change in career... they just can't find any other available jobs. Its upsetting to be on the other side of it.

I'm trying to keep an open mind with JQ, not get mad at him for something that's out of his control, but its not easy. I feel like he should be doing more. Trying harder. Getting out more and filling out more applications and submitting his resume to more places.

"When's the last time you looked in the newspaper for available jobs?"

I would love a month long vacation, with someone else paying for everything and not seeming to worry or care about paying any bills. And now that the Department of Labor will be sending a weekly check, I fear that JQ's apathetic attitude (in my opinion) about finding a job will only get worse.

You can't fill out one application/submit one resume a week, and expect to hear back instantly. It just isn't going to happen.

What the cats are doing: Samson is in Sebastian's spot on the back of the computer chair... Sebastian is giving Samson kitty stink eye.

What I should be doing right now: I have tomorrow off, lets hope no one calls.

How much weight I' ve lost:

0 People Love Me

days gone by - days yet to be