days gone by - days yet to be

Monday, Mar. 28, 2005 - 1:02 p.m.

Jesus Christ, lay off the fucking weed...

Woken up... AGAIN... by the FUCKING phone!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, work... the bane of my existence!

When they fired JQ, I had to promote another person to Asst. manager, on the spot. She (BR) wasn't all that qualified, but she was the only one that I assumed could take on the added responsibility (and the added pay increase). Was I ever mistaken! BR is the one that keeps calling me... at the littlest incident. Today it was for phone numbers of employees that hadn't shown up for work yet. She knows all the numbers are in the employee files, why does she need to call me, just so I can tell her "They're in the employee files." Her response, "In the filing cabinet?"

No, you dumb shit, I keep them stored in the walk-in cooler... yes... in the freakin' filing cabinet!

Her problem is she smokes a lot of weed, not at work, but so much that it still impedes her ability to fucking think rationally about the "small stuff" while she is at work. Now, I have no problem with smoking up, if I did, she would already have lost her job, because I already know about it, BUT, if it gets to the point where you're asking questions like, "In the filing cabinet?" then you need to lay off the pot for a bit.

To make matters worse, she hung up on me, not just once, but twice. She was pissed because I told her this was the type of stuff she signed on for when she took the promotion and pay increase. Dealing with employees being late, calling in employees to cover shifts, etc. I was calm until she hung up on me. I instantly called her back and told her to quit fucking hanging up on me. If she values her life job, she will never do it again. What is going on?? Is she 15 years old again? Am I not her supervisor? Can I not FIRE her ass for this kind of shit? I cannot believe what keeps going on in that place. It boggles the mind! Uber manager needs to finish up his training, and fast!

Speaking of Uber manager, I called him to tell him his other training books came in. (This was on Saturday) He said he'd be around to pick them up on Wednesday, since he wouldn't need them until then. He's had a week to do his first training book. They only let me have about three days. Once again, it boggles the mind! I get shoved through a 14 week training schedule in 2 weeks, and they're giving him over three weeks. The only thing I can think of is that they've assessed his capabilities, and he just can't do it in the amount of time I did. At least that's what I'm gonna tell myself. KP said the same thing. Which doesn't say much for this guys "capabilities" or initiative.

Its 1:00pm, so I have to start doing payroll and such, so its ready in time for me to go to work. I spend every Monday afternoon doing paperwork, at my home computer, so these little bastards get paid on time. And then I go in and work 8 hours working a closing shift. Such is life...

What the cats are doing: well, I hear the Litter Maid scooping itself, so one of them just went to the kitty toilet.

What I should be doing right now: Payroll. Can't stand the bitching if the paychecks aren't there Thursday afternoon, instead of Friday.

How much weight I' ve lost:

1 People Love Me

days gone by - days yet to be