days gone by - days yet to be

Wednesday, Feb. 02, 2005 - 1:31 p.m.

Oh, other people's incompetence

So, I am the General Manager for a Taco Bell, but not a corporate Taco Bell, a lowly private licensee Taco Bell, which is translated into: You don't matter in the long scheme of things, so we'll skip over you at every opportunity. Skipped over in the aspect of, we aren't going to tell you about these policy changes until a week before your major Corporate inspection, and even after we tell you, we aren't going to explain anything. You won't see your Taco Bell Liaison EVER, and yet he'll treat you like dog shit behind your back, and make it look like you can't do your job because of his inadequacies an inability to do his own job.

We were a Gold Star rated store, we had a 100% rating on Food Safety, and now... we don't. I'm pissed. REALLY FUCKING PISSED. Fot fuck sake, we were marked off for the radio being too loud... These are the asinine things that piss me off... "Oh, so you couldn't really find anything wrong, so you're going to FIND things wrong?" So this is the e-mail I sent to tacobellmotherfuckingliaison: (Remember this guy is corporate, I'm not)
(Insert asshole name here):

We need to figure out a way to get training for all the items we lost points on our CER:

*BBVM -never went to train with Lockwood/McKinnen to learn the BBVM, but we were still sent all the POP by Archway so we started selling it anyway. I was told we wouldn't receive POP for the BBVM until we were approved (By Archway and You) So when it came, shame on me for assuming we'd been approved.

*Manager Training (Lockwood/McKinnen DOES NOT have a certified training store or training manager any longer, why should we pay Taco Bell training fees for something that isn't even following their "strict" policies?)

*Training certification for Cleaning Captains (We cannot reasonably implement something so asinine as a person to come in and check off that cleanings been done, but if we MUST, then I need certification or whatever is needed for the Cleaning System)

And why did we not just receive coaching on these items? This is something completely out of my hands... I am not responsible for setting this type of training up, that's your job. Sending me e-mails a week before our inspection (half of which I cannot access) doesn't cut it. If Taco Bell Corporate expects things like this to be implemented in a Private Licensee store, then they need to offer more support and information, not just brush us off until its time for inspection. I'm frustrated that every 5 months all these policies and procedures change, right after I've gotten my whole team trained on the last policy changes. How am I supposed to keep up with this, when I don't even see you or hear from you, except in mass sent e-mails. You didn't even show up until our last CER was over. And I haven't seen you since. We need to find out how to change that. I can't do what needs to be done if I DON'T know it needs to be done in the first place. Please advice, (Insert my name here)
I'll fill you in on his reply, if I get one, but don't hold your breath, it usually takes a week to 10 days before he gets back to me. But I'm hoping the shear evilness of this e-mail will make him get up off his ass and write back. Until later...

What the cats are doing:

What I should be doing right now:

How much weight I' ve lost:

0 People Love Me

days gone by - days yet to be