days gone by - days yet to be

Sunday, Oct. 06, 2002 - 11:41 p.m.

Getting back to the old...

Nothing was any different from this Sunday than any other Sunday. Work at 9am leave at 7pm. Except, we had Sunday night dinner. It had been a tradition for almost a year, starting out with just three and growing to almost fifteen. Every Sunday, we all got together and had dinner. It was usually at Joe and my place, but when the number's started to increase, it moved to Josh's. Someone always cooked. We all come from families with chefs or graduated from JWU, so the food was always phenomenal. When Josh left, I lost the desire for these dinners. We started them, he and I, going to Dave and Buster's with our tip money, saved over the course of the week, to wind down from the hectic week of work. And it just didn't seem the same with him not there. We tried to keep the tradition going, for one week, but after that, I just didn't have the strength to keep up pretenses. That I was actually having fun. And so, they stopped. But this Sunday, Joe decides he's going do make lasagna. and we call a few people, and we have an abridged "Sunday Night dinner." It was nice, and I hope they continue. But in all fairness, they will never be the same. Josh is gone.

What the cats are doing:

What I should be doing right now:

How much weight I' ve lost:

0 People Love Me

days gone by - days yet to be