days gone by - days yet to be

Friday, Sept. 13, 2002 - 12:26 a.m.

I'm very easily angered by other people's incompetency! If its your job and you chose to do it, DO IT! If you can't, quit. Find something else -find something a diapered monkey could do. If its too hard for you, try something easier, lots of places are equal opportunity employers and need dish washers! But don't, DO NOT, effect me with your lack of work ethic! Do not make me wait 45 minutes for a cab, never show up, then lie when I call back for the tenth time, to question where the cab is!

"You told me ten minutes, its been 45!"
"He must have picked someone else up from there."
"Not from my apartment, he didn't! There are only 5 apartments and I was waiting on the front stoop."

People and their laziness!

I was told it would be "looked into"... MY ASS! The dispatcher probably went back to sleeping, which I KNOW he's prone to do!

Now I'm late for work! Just great!

I know its been slow, down right dead, its after Labor Day, but I also know, no ones been doing anything all damn day.


I hate always being right!

"Asst. Manager from Hell and his mindless zombie sidekick" All they're interested in doing is checking out girls, too "busy" ogling to do a tray run, prep potatoes, -CLEAN?!?!

And sales were low! VERY low! They had all the time in the world to get this shit done. Oh, I hate this job! Now I'm stuck doing everything they should have been doing earlier. And the ONE thing I asked Asst. Dick-head to do, he didn't even do. Why am I surprised? Why did I even assume it would get done?

"If you wanted it done right, you should've just done it yourself, moron!"

I still need to fire everyone!

What the cats are doing:

What I should be doing right now:

How much weight I' ve lost:

0 People Love Me

days gone by - days yet to be