days gone by - days yet to be

Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002 - 11:13 p.m.

I am the worst sister ever!

Yesterday was my older sister's birthday. While I was having all that fun, getting out and experience some semblance of a social life, I was also forgetting what day it was. Figures something would have been wrong about me having some sort of fun. But in all fairness, she didn't call me on my birthday either. I just know I feel more guilty about forgetting then she probably did.

Work was crazy, to say the least. Too long to write about, so I'll try to be brief:

We have cash registers that are actual PCs. They can do everything a home computer can do, but we have touch screen register programs. The master monitor that controls the slave monitors wasn't too happy tonight, and wouldn't retrieve any of our sales figures. That was over at the other store, Pretzel/Cookie, so I had to call 3 different people to even get a work order through, so we could close out our day.

Then while I was still over there, I got a phone call from the mother of one of the employees, which also happens to be the DH's sister. I don't know if I've mentioned that 75% of the employees here are the DH's family. Sister, daughter, niece, nephew, nephew's girlfriend... It makes discipline very difficult. Well, I had gone to the DH about some concerns I had about her niece, that there was a possibility that she had gotten high on her break. Now I know she smokes, and I've even seen her high, BUT she was not on company time, so I didn't care... BUT I did care if she was doing it on company time because we'd been getting a few customer complaints about this girl messing up simple order's. (where before she was always right on task) So basically this phone call was me getting my ass reamed by her mother, my DH's sister, that I was falsely accusing her daughter of some heinous charge. I tried to explain that I was doing my job as a manager, going to MY manager with concerns I had about an employee. It didn't matter who the employee was, but now I can see how things are going to be. Long story short: the mother is making the daughter take a drug test to PROVE she doesn't smoke, then taking me to the owner, probably to get me fired. This lady does have balls the size of bowling balls, though.

Yesterday her son was arrested for possession with the intent to sell (a bag with 11 smaller bags of weed, that he stashed on his pregnant girlfriend when he was pulled over)

Her daughter has come to the counter of all three stores high, and all the people working those shifts have seen her and commented (someone I talked to can even remember what she was wearing and that she was going to see a movie)

Her son responded with, "Yeah she knows we smoke, but she's pissed because (my sister) doesn't smoke up on her break every time she moves her car" When asked why his Mom was freaking out about all this, when she knows they smoke.

Her daughter has been hanging out with a guy for the past few weeks that is a known drug dealer and user, unbeknownst to (the mother).

The girlfriend lives with them all and told me that (the daughter) never comes home, or if she does, its early in the morning, (the mother) never knows where she is, and most of the time she doesn't sleep in her own bed.

So yeah, go to the owner, the only thing that's gonna happen, is your reputation is gonna be tarnished, your kids are gonna be fired, and all I was doing was my job!!!!!!!!! If it had been any other employee, I swear, this would never have happened!

Moral of the story: NEVER hire family. They're nothing but a pain in the ass! (Except my little sister, of course hehehe)

What the cats are doing:

What I should be doing right now:

How much weight I' ve lost:

0 People Love Me

days gone by - days yet to be